The best way to get your WikiTree ID is to be logged in to WikiTree and use the ID icon at the top of your profile.
Click on the
"scissors" ID icon which copies the ID to the clipboard.
Then paste that ID into the mitoYDNA field for WikiTree ID.
In order to verify that the ID was entered/pasted correctly, click the
TEST button next to the ID field.
If the page launced by the test looks like the image on the left below, then it's good.
If it looks like the image on the right below, then it's not a valid ID. Try again.
Test is Good |
Test is Bad |
Login to GEDmatch and copy the ID number of your
Autosomal kit on GEDmatch.
Then paste that ID into the mitoYDNA field for GEDmatch Kit Number.
On the EDIT screen, you can run a 1:Many Match of your kit on GEDmatch.
It's best to already be logged in to GEDmatch before you run this test.
Enter your Haplogroup.
Haplogroup is reported by your test company.
Use the format 'X-zzz' where X is your major Haplogroup and zzz is your subclade or terminal SNP (e.g., 'R-M512' or 'R-BY31431').
Haplogroups classify people into DNA groups.
This data is for information ONLY and is not used in comparisons.